Setting up staff target hours

With the Staff Management module, Digita Practice Advanced enables you to set target hours for your staff and monitor whether the firm is on track to hit its financial targets for the year. Target hours are also an important component of staff scheduling.

You can view targets for staff using the Staff Targets portlet on the Firm Dashboard. Staff members can view their own targets in the Time Recap portlet on the Staff Dashboard, and on the Time Recap tab at the bottom of the Time & Expense Entry screen.

Setting staff targets

Target hour scheduling occurs on the Targets tab of the Staff setup screen. You can use this tab to establish different targets for different times of year, specify a percentage of hours that should be billable, and specify a total billable amount target for the staff member.

  1. Choose Setup > Staff to open the Staff setup screen.
  2. Click the Targets tab.

    Note: This tab is available only if your firm is licensed for the Staff Management module and if you have sufficient security privileges to edit or view target hours.

  3. Select a staff member from the Staff list.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. In the first row, specify the date range for the targets.


    • If you are entering targets that apply to the entire year, you can leave the default values of 01/01 to 12/31.
    • To set up varying targets for different times of year, enter one date range per row. Starting dates in subsequent rows will default automatically to the date after the conclusion of the previous date range.
  6. When you are finished entering target hours for the staff member, click Enter to save your changes.

Related topics

Setting up staff

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