Submitting benefit requests

Note: Your firm must be licensed for the Staff Management module to use the benefits feature.

To submit a request for a scheduled benefit such as vacation time or a sick day, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Add button on the main toolbar and select Scheduled Benefit from the drop-down list.
  2. On the Main tab of the Scheduled Benefit dialog, make a selection from the Accruable Benefit field. For example, if your firm has an accruable benefit activity set up for vacation, select Vacation.
  3. In the Scheduled Benefit information section, leave the default value, Requested, in the Status field.
  4. In the Dates / Time section, enter the start and end dates for the benefit. If the request is for an all-day event (such as a vacation day), mark the All day event checkbox. Otherwise, choose starting and ending times as well as dates.
  5. In the Assigned section, choose the staff member for whom you are requesting the benefit in the Staff field. This field defaults to the staff member who is currently logged in.
  6. If you want a reminder prior to the start of the benefit, mark the Reminder checkbox and choose the desired time for the reminder from the drop-down list.
  7. If necessary, enter any notes about the benefit in the Notes field.
  8. Use the Scheduling tab to check the scheduling of the request. You can click and drag the request (or its start and end times) using the timeline in the right pane, and your changes are carried back to the Main tab.
  9. If your firm set up custom fields for scheduled benefits, click the Custom Fields tab and enter information in those fields.
  10. Click OK when finished. The benefit request is sent to your supervisor for approval.

Related topics

Setting up staff benefits

Approving benefit requests

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