Selecting schedule items to display in the Manage Staff screen


  • Schedule items are displayed if their target or scheduled dates fall within the date range you specify.
  • When you select a schedule item from the Schedule Items subtab, the calendar will move to that day and highlight the item for the earliest calendar entry that is not expired.
  • When you select an entry on the calendar, the corresponding schedule item will be highlighted in the Schedule Items grid if it is in the date range of items you have selected.

To select which schedule items to display in the Manage Staff screen, follow these steps.

  1. Open the Manage Staff screen (Actions > Manage Staff).
  2. Select the appropriate tab (Assignments, Schedule, or Schedule Items).
  3. Click the Schedule Items subtab.
  4. Select a timeframe (Day of, Week of, Two Weeks of, Month of, Quarter of, Period of, or Range of) from the drop-down list.
  5. Click the Down arrow Down arrow button and then select a date or date range from the calendar.
  6. If necessary, mark one of the following checkboxes to narrow down the list of schedule items.
    • Open only: Shows only the schedule items that are not completed, canceled, or past the end date/time
    • Unassigned only: Shows only the schedule items that do not have any staff assigned yet

      Note: This checkbox is not available on the Schedules tab.

    • Unscheduled hours only: Shows only the schedule items that still have hours that need to be scheduled

      When all three checkboxes are marked, the list contains only open items that are either unassigned or unscheduled.

  7. You can further narrow down the list of schedule items by using the Search and Filter fields. See Using the search feature and Filtering your data for details on searching and filtering.

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