Billing client families

Client families enable you to associate multiple clients that are billed to a single client. The client that gets billed and to whom the resulting accounts receivable is booked is called the Parent client. The clients whose work is billed to the Parent client are called the Subsidiary clients.

For instructions on how to set up a Client family, see Setting up client billing and A/R options.

To bill the members of a client family on a single invoice, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Actions > Billing.
  2. On the Bill Clients tab, click the button to show the Filter field, if necessary.

    Note: If the tab says Bill Engagements or Bill Projects, select the parent and subsidiary clients individually for the project(s) or engagement(s) you would like to bill and skip the next two steps. If you have Automatically select subsidiary clients when selecting parent Clients selected in the Billing tab of the User Preferences dialog, select the engagements or projects for the parent client you want to bill and the application will automatically select the same engagements or projects for the subsidiary clients.

  3. In the Filter field, choose Bill to Parent Client ID.
  4. In the Method field, choose is, and enter the Parent Client ID in the last field.
  5. Mark the checkboxes for the parent and/or subsidiary clients you want to include on the invoice.

    Note: If you want to select the parent client and all subsidiary clients, right-click and choose Select All. If you have Automatically select subsidiary clients when selecting parent Clients selected on the Billing tab of the User Preferences dialog, select the parent client and the application will automatically select all the subsidiary clients.

  6. Click Detail Bill Selected.

    On the Time and Expense tab you will be able to see all the WIP for both the Parent and Subsidiary clients. You can mark the Summarize by: Client checkbox at the top of the screen to group the WIP by client.

  7. Bill the client as needed and save the invoice.

This process enables you to bill all or selected members of the client family to the parent client while retaining the correct historical information for the WIP for each individual client.

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