Detail billing by time and expenses

The Time & Expense tab of the Detail Billing screen offers you many ways to bill WIP entries either at the time and expense entry level or summarized by one or more components. In addition, you can right-click in the time and expense entry grid to open a context menu with several convenient options to:

To detail bill your clients by time and expenses, follow these steps.

  1. From the Actions menu, choose Billing.
  2. Mark the checkboxes for the clients or client engagements you want to bill and click the Detail Bill Selected button.
  3. In the Detail Billing window, click the Time & Expense tab.

    Tip: You can choose the Time & Expense tab to be your "start-up tab" each time you open Detail Billing. In the User Preferences screen (Setup > User Preferences), click the Billing tab and select your preference from the Start-up tab field.

Billing summarized entries

  1. If you would like to summarize the entries by any of the components in the entry grid, mark the appropriate Summarize By checkboxes. You can summarize WIP by client, engagement, project, staff, activity, type, or date, or any combination of these.


    • When you select related clients for detail billing, the Billing Selection list shows only the parent client so that you can create a single invoice for the client family. However, the sheet entries for both parent and subsidiary clients are available for billing.
    • The Project checkbox is available only if you are licensed for the Project Management module.
  2. Enter an amount in the Billed field for a summarized row to indicate how much you want to bill all of the entries represented by the summarized row. The application distributes this amount proportionately to all entries represented by the row based on their amounts. If you click the Expand button Expand button displays as a plus sign to expand the summarized rows and enter bill amounts at the individual entry level, the amount in the Billed field for the summary row is simply the sum of all of the individual entries.

    Note: The amount you enter on time and expense entries must be 0 or greater. You can only enter negative amounts in the Billed field for progress bill entries.

  3. When finished entering the bill amounts, click the Save button to save the invoice, or the Save and Print button to save the invoice and print it.

Note: If you click Save and Print, the Print dialog opens. If you then decide to cancel printing, the invoice is still saved.

Billing at the entry level

When the time and expenses grid is not summarized, it shows the client, engagement, staff, activity, type (time or expense), date, hours (for time) or units (for expenses), rate, WIP amount, and a Note field for each time and expense entry.

Note: If you are licensed for the Project Management module, the grid also shows any project and due date associated with each entry.

  1. For each entry, enter an amount in the Billed field, and the application will complete the Adjusted field automatically.

    Note: If the billed amount is less than the amount of the entry and the adjusted amount is 0.00, the remainder will appear in the Carryover field. The Carryover amount will be available for billing the next time you bill this client’s engagement.

  2. When finished entering the bill amounts, click the Save button to save the invoice, or the Save and Print button to save the invoice and print it.

Note: If you click Save and Print, the Print dialog opens. If you then decide to cancel printing, the invoice is still saved.

Entering amounts in the Totals section

Another way to bill is to enter an amount in the Totals section. The Totals section shows the total amount of all entries displayed in the grid. When you enter an amount in the Totals Billed field, the amount is distributed proportionately among all entries (except for progress bill entries) based on their amounts.

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