Updating availability on the Staff In/Out Board

Use the Update Availability dialog to change your availability status in the Staff In/Out Board.

Note: You must have security privileges to change the availability of other staff members.

  1. From the View menu, choose Staff In/Out Board.
  2. Click the Update Availability button.
  3. If you are updating the status of another staff member, select the name from the Staff drop-down list.

    Note: You can use filters in the Staff field.

  4. In the Availability field, select a new status from the drop-down list.
  5. In the Returning fields, click the Down arrow button button and select a date from the drop-down calendar. If applicable, enter a time of day.
  6. In the Comment field, you can enter an optional comment.

    Note: To view the full text of comments that are longer than the Comment field in the Staff In/Out Board, pause your cursor over the field. A larger text box will open to display the entire comment.

  7. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.

Related topic: Staff In/Out Board overview

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