Setting up a Report Viewer custom portlet

You can create a portlet that displays a preview of a DT Practice report of your choice on any dashboard. The report preview is displayed within the portlet after you add it to a dashboard.

  1. On the Custom Portlets setup screen, click the Add button to add a new portlet.
  2. In the Description field, enter a name for the portlet. This name will appear in the Select Portlets dialog and in the portlet’s title bar.
  3. In the Type field, select Report Viewer.
  4. To create a portlet that can be viewed by all firm employees, verify that the Allow others to view this portlet checkbox is marked. When this checkbox is not marked, only the staff member who creates the portlet will be able to view it.
  5. In the Configuration section, mark the Filter the portlet to only the displayed Client or logged in Staff checkbox if you want to limit the report data to that for the selected client (on the Client Dashboard) or for the staff member who is currently logged in (on the Staff Dashboard).

    Note: This checkbox is marked by default but can be cleared to expand the data displayed on the report.

  6. Select the name of the report you want to preview in the portlet.
  7. Click Enter to save the portlet.

When you add the report viewer portlet to a dashboard, the report Options screen will open and allow you to specify Selection and Layout options for the report. You can change these at any time by right-clicking the portlet and choosing Options from the context menu.

Related topics

Custom portlets overview

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