Setting up an RSS News Feed custom portlet

An RSS News Feed custom portlet enables you to add an RSS feed to any dashboard. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and RSS feeds enable you to quickly scan lists of information, such as current news items. You can click an item in the feed to read more, usually by way of a direct link to that item on the website where the RSS feed originates.

  1. On the Custom Portlets setup screen, click the Add button to add a new portlet.
  2. In the Description field, enter a name for the portlet. This name will appear in the Select Portlets dialog and in the portlet’s title bar.
  3. In the Type field, select RSS News Feed.
  4. To create a portlet that can be viewed by all firm employees, verify that the Allow others to view this portlet checkbox is marked. When this checkbox is not marked, only the staff member who creates the portlet will be able to view it.
  5. In the Website field, enter the web address for the RSS feed you want to use and click the Go White arrow pointing right over a green circle button next to the field.


    • If you do not know the address for the feed you want to use, you can enter the address for the website where the feed is located and click the Go White arrow pointing right over a green circle button. Then click the arrow on the View RSS news feeds button RSS news feeds button button next to the field and select the feed you want from the list.
    • You can also choose one of the default feeds from the drop-down list in the Website field.
  6. When the preview window displays the RSS feed as desired, click Enter to save the new portlet.

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Custom portlets overview

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