Production Analysis report

The Production Analysis report provides information about staff time worked and client expenses incurred for the specified period. The report helps determine billable percentage, margin, and percentage of time spent on activities.

To view and print the Production Analysis report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Production Analysis in the available reports pane and then click the Select button.

Information on this report includes the following:

  • ID, Name / Description: ID and names of the items you have selected for grouping the report.
  • Hours / Units: Total time and expense hours and units for the specified date range. These totals are further broken down into totals for admin, nonbillable, and billable items.
  • Billable %: Billable hours/units divided by total hours/units.
  • Total Hrs/Units: Total admin, nonbillable, and billable hours/units.
  • % Tot: Total hours/units for the current row as a percentage of the report total hours/units.
  • Billable Amt, % Tot: Total standard amount (the extended amount) for billable time and expense items, and the total hours/units for the current row as a percentage of the report total.
  • Cost, % Tot: Cost of all time and expense items (admin, nonbillable, and billable), and the total hours/units for the current row as a percentage of the report total.
  • M/U Factor: Billable amount divided by cost.
  • Margin, % Tot: Billable amount minus cost, and the total hours/units for the current row as a percentage of the report total.

Important security note

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