Adding a phone message for a contact

The Phone Message feature enables you to track phone messages in DT Practice from your firm’s contacts, which then appear among the interactions for those contacts. Phone messages, along with phone call items, enable you to track all phone interactions with your contacts.

Note: This screen is available only if you are licensed for the Client Management module.

To add a phone message for a contact, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Add button in the toolbar.
    • If the Phone Message icon appears on the button, just click the button.
    • If another icon appears on the button, click the arrow on the right side of the icon and choose Phone Message from the menu.
  2. In the Phone Message dialog, select the staff member for whom the message is intended in the To field.
  3. Select the appropriate contact in the From Contact field and company in the Of field. If a contact is selected in DT Practice when you click the Add button, this information is filled in automatically.
  4. In the Priority field, select High, Low, or Normal.
  5. In the Action field, select the action requested by the caller (for example, Please Call Back).
  6. If necessary, add the contact’s phone number in the field provided, and choose the type of number (for example, Business). This information fills in automatically if a contact is selected in DT Practice when you click the Add button.
  7. Enter a subject for the phone message in the Subject field. There is a maximum of 50 characters for this field.
  8. Enter text in the Phone Message field.
  9. When finished, click OK to save the message and close the Phone Message dialog.

Note: When you receive a phone message and view it in the Phone Message dialog, you can click the Return Call button to open a new Phone Call item with the contact information already filled in (including the call type "Outgoing").

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