Setting up staff rates

The Rates tab shows both the current and previous rate(s) for the staff member. Staff members are not required to have rates set up, but they must have rates set up if they are going to enter time.

  1. From the Setup menu, choose Staff, and click the Rates tab.
  2. Select a staff member from the list.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. If you are adding a new rate, click the Add button in the right pane. If you are editing a rate, select the rate you want to edit.
  5. In the Effective date field, enter the effective date for the rate table.
  6. In the Cost rate field, enter a cost (if applicable) for the current staff member.
  7. In the Description column of the Billing rates table, select a description for the billing rate from the drop-down list.


    • Only items from the list will be accepted. Entries in this list come from the Staff Rate Descriptions list (Setup > Staff Rate Descriptions). If you have security permission, you can add an item to the list by right-clicking the list and selecting Add Entry from the context menu.
    • You can only select each description in the list once for each current effective date.
  8. In the Hourly Rate field of the Billing rates table, enter a rate for the staff member.
  9. When finished, click Enter to save your changes.

You can create new rate tables or edit existing rates at any time. When you create new rate tables and/or change current rates for existing rate tables, the application checks to see if there are any time entries that need to be recalculated based on the new rates.


  • If the application finds billed and unbilled entries dated on or after the effective date, you will be asked if you want to recalculate the unbilled entries using the new rate. Billed entries cannot be recalculated.
  • If there are no unbilled time entries, or if the only entries found are already billed, you will not be prompted to recalculate any entries.
  • The Effective date drop-down list contains the current and all prior effective dates. The default date for new staff is the system date.
  • Any effective date you enter must be later than the most recent previous effective date.
  • Rates that have been assigned to time entries cannot be deleted.

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