Extending a project due date

When a project template has been set up with extensions before creating the project for any clients, you can extend the project by selecting an extension from the drop-down list in the Due dates section of the Project dialog. If your project template did not have extensions before you created the project for a client, you can add them afterward using the Extension dialog.

To open the Extension dialog, right-click the drop-down list under Due dates in the Project dialog and select Add Entry or Edit Entry from the context menu.

Note: Extensions added to a project template do not get added to projects that have already been created. To add an extension to an existing project, right-click and choose Add Entry from the context menu, as described below.

Adding an extension

  1. In the Project dialog, right-click the drop-down list under Due dates.
  2. Select Add Entry from the context menu.
  3. In the Extension dialog, enter a number in the Extension number field.
  4. Enter the extended date or select it from the drop-down calendar in the Due date field.
  5. Click OK.

The extension and extension number now appears in the Extensions column of the Manage Projects screen.

Note: By default, the number in the Extension number field is 1 for the first extension you add. It will increase each time you add an extension to the current project. You can also change the number manually, if necessary.

Changing or deleting an extension

If necessary, you can change or delete an extension. Right-click the drop-down list under Due dates and select Edit Entry or Delete Entry from the context menu.

  • If you choose Edit Entry, you can change the due date and/or extension number.
  • If you choose Delete Entry, the extension is removed and the project’s original due date is restored.

Related topics

Extending multiple projects

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