Detail billing in summary

The Summary tab of the Detail Billing screen provides an invoice recap that you can use to allocate billing amounts, adjustments, and invoice components such as discounts, surcharges, and taxes. You can specify invoice information, bill amounts, and due dates, edit billing instructions, and add invoice notes. You can also partial bill the client or create a progress bill.

Note: Before you begin, you should set up your user preferences for billing, such as default due date, start-up tab, rounding methods, and so on.

  1. Open the Billing screen (Actions > Billing).
  2. Mark the checkbox for each client engagement you want to bill and click the Detail Bill Selected button.
  3. In the Detail Billing screen, click the Summary tab.

    Tip: You can choose either the Summary tab or the Time & Expenses tab to be your "start-up tab" each time you open Detail Billing. In the User Preferences screen (Setup > User Preferences), click the Billing tab and select your preference from the Start-up tab field.

  4. The Billing Selection list shows all of the currently selected clients. You can click the Edit Selection List button to add or remove clients from the list, if necessary. When you are finished with the invoice for the current client, the application displays the next selected client.
    In the Detail Billing screen, the Billing Selection list displays all the selected client IDs and sort names, and a Billed checkbox to indicate which clients you have billed. When you finish billing a client and save their invoice, the application marks the Billed checkbox to indicate that the client has been billed. If you need to return to the main Billing screen to select or deselect clients, click the Edit Selection List button. After you have made your selections, you can return to Detail Billing or select another billing method.

    Note: When you select related clients for detail billing, the Billing Selection list shows only the parent client so that you can create a single invoice for the client family. However, the WIP for both parent and subsidiary clients is available for billing.

  5. The ID and Description fields show the current client information.

    Tip: Click the Dashboard link at the bottom of the screen to open the current client’s Dashboard, where you can view the client’s billing and A/R totals, and other client information.

  6. If your firm has enabled the use of a different numbering sequence for invoices with zero amounts, you can use the Number field to select the numbering sequence to use for the invoice.

    Note: Invoices with zero amounts will automatically be put in the Zero Number sequence, but invoices with amounts other than zero cannot be part of the Zero Number sequence.

  7. The Date field shows the default invoice date for the selected clients. Only WIP that is dated on or before this date will be available for billing. If necessary, you can select a date other than your default date.
    This is the default invoice date you selected in User Preferences (Setup > User Preferences > Billing tab). Options for default invoice date are Today’s date, Period end date, or Last date used.
  8. The Due Date field is calculated based on the number of days before an invoice is due for the client. You can override this date, if necessary, but the due date cannot be prior to the invoice date.
    The number of days before an invoice is due is calculated based on the number of days you entered in the client’s record (Setup > Clients > Billing tab).
  9. Use the Office field to assign the invoice to one of your firm’s offices. The office appears on the Review tab of the Billing screen
  10. By default, the Format field shows the invoice format selected in the client’s setup screen (Setup > Clients > Billing tab). You can select a different format from the drop-down list, if necessary.

    Tip: You can change the default invoice format for multiple clients at one time by clicking the Edit multiple Clients link in the Clients setup screen and using the Edit Multiple Clients dialog to make your changes.

  11. Time: The number that appears under WIP Amount is the sum of all time entries. Enter a number in the Billed field, or click the Down arrow button button to enter it from the drop-down calculator.


    • The amount you enter in the Billed field is equally distributed to all time entries shown on the Time & Expenses tab. If instead you enter the bill amounts on the individual entries on the Time & Expenses tab, this field displays the total bill amount for all of the entries.
    • If the current client has only time entries, then the bill amount you enter will be distributed to the entries based on the proportion of each time entry’s amount to the total amount of all time entries.

      Example Example
  12. Expenses: The number that appears under WIP Amount is the sum of all unbilled expense entries entered on or before the invoice date for the selected client or engagement. Enter a number in the Billed field, or click the Down arrow button button to enter it from the drop-down calculator.

    Note: The bill amount you enter for expenses is distributed among the expense entries the same way as for time entries.

  13. Adjusted: This field shows the difference between the time or expense amount and the bill amount, if any. If you enter a bill amount that is different from the time or expense amount, this field will show an adjustment.
  14. Carryover: If you enter a bill amount that is less than the time or expense amount and enter 0.00 in the Adjusted field, the remaining amount will appear in the Carryover field. This remaining amount will be available the next time you bill the client. The Carryover cannot be less than 0.
  15. Progress: The numbers that appear under WIP Amount are the total of all existing progress bills. If you want to enter a new progress billing for this client, click the More More button button to enter the bill in the Progress Bill dialog. See Entering a progress bill for more information.
  16. The Total WIP Amount field shows the sum of the Time Amount, Expenses Amount, and Progress Amount fields.
  17. The Total Billed field shows the sum of the Time Billed, Expenses Billed, and Progress Billed fields. If you enter a different amount in this field, the amount is distributed to the Time Amount, Expenses Amount, and Progress fields based on their proportion to the Total Billed amount.

    Note: If the displayed client has time entries and one or more progress bill entries, the amount of the original progress billing is allocated to the time entries so that staff members are credited for the progress billing.

    Example Example

  18. The Total Adjusted field shows the sum of the Time Adjusted and Expenses Adjusted fields. If you enter a different amount in this field, the amount is distributed to the Time Adjusted and Expenses Adjusted fields based on their proportion to the Total Adjusted amount.
  19. The Surcharge field is calculated by the application based on the client’s engagement setup or activity setup.
  20. The Discount field allows you to enter an optional discount for the client.

    Note: You cannot enter a discount that makes the Invoice Total less than 0.

  21. The Service Tax and Sales Tax fields are calculated by the application based on the client’s engagements, activities, and tax area setup.
  22. The Invoice Total field shows the sum of the Total Billed, Discount, Surcharge, Sales Tax, and Service Tax fields. This field is read-only.
  23. Billing Instructions: You can use this memo field to edit the Billing Instructions from the Clients setup screen.
  24. Invoice Notes: Use this field to enter any notes about the invoice.


    • When invoice notes are present, a note indicator Note indicator icon appears in the Notes field of the Review tab.
    • You can add the contents of the Invoice Notes field to an invoice format — or billing report format — using the Custom Formats editor. Add the comments field item under Invoice Detail\Invoice to the format.
  25. Apply Open Credits: If the client has any open receipts, credit memos, or write-offs that have not been fully applied, the amount appears in the Open credit balance field. Click the More More button button next to the credit balance amount and use the Apply Open Credits dialog to determine how to apply the credits.

    Note: To access this dialog, you must have open credits available for the current client, and you must not have the approval process enabled for billing. To turn off the approval process, clear the Required for Billing checkbox on the Preferences tab of the Firm setup screen.

  26. When finished, click the Save button to save the invoice, or the Save and Print button to save the invoice and print it.

Note: If you click Save and Print, the Print dialog opens. If you then decide to cancel printing, the invoice is still saved.

After the invoice is saved, it appears on the Review tab.

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