Managing clients

The DT Practice Client Management module is designed to facilitate stronger relationships between your firm and your clients and contacts by providing a central location where you can track interactions with clients and contacts. Along with the portlets you can add to the Staff and Client dashboards, the Manage Clients screen is where you will find that information. From this screen you can add, edit, and delete clients, contacts, and interactions. You can also filter lists of clients, contacts, and interactions to review information pertinent to your client relationships in a central location.

To open the Manage Clients screen, choose Actions > Manage Clients.

Note: This screen is available only if you are licensed for the Client Management module.

Clients tab

The Clients tab of the Manage Clients screen displays the firm’s clients on the top half of the screen. You can use the Filter field at the top of the screen to narrow the list of clients, and enter a keyword in the Search field to locate specific clients.

Note: To see the Filter field, you may need to click the Show Filter button Show filter icon has two, blue arrows pointing down.

Clients / contacts list

Click the expand Plus sign icon next to a client to see all contacts for that client, including their primary phone numbers and email addresses.

You can add, edit, or delete clients and contacts on this screen by right-clicking a row in the grid and choosing the appropriate command from the context menu. The context menu also provides commands for adding interactions (notes, phone calls, phone messages, or email messages) for the selected client or contact.

Interactions list

When you select a client or contact in the list at the top of the screen, DT Practice displays interactions for that client or contact at the bottom of the screen. To narrow the list to interactions from the last 30 days, mark the Show last 30 days only checkbox.

You can edit or delete interactions by right-clicking a row in the list and choosing the appropriate command from the context menu. You can also add additional interactions for the selected client or contact.

Contacts tab

The Contacts tab of the Manage Clients screen is similar to the Clients tab, but displays the firm’s contacts on the top half of the screen, whether or not they are associated with the firm’s clients. You can use the Filter by field at the top of the screen to narrow the list of contacts, and enter a keyword in the Search field to locate specific contacts. Click the Search Magnifying glass button to perform a search.

Clients / contacts list

You can add, edit, or delete contacts on this screen by right-clicking a row in the grid and choosing the appropriate command from the context menu. The context menu also provides commands for adding interactions (notes, phone calls, phone messages, or email messages) for the selected contact. To narrow the list to interactions from the last 30 days, mark the Show last 30 days only checkbox.

Interactions list

When you select a contact in the list at the top of the screen, DT Practice displays interactions for that contact at the bottom of the screen.

You can edit or delete interactions by right-clicking a row in the list and choosing the appropriate command from the context menu. You can also add additional interactions for the selected contact.

Interactions tab

The Interactions tab provides a list of all firm interactions. On this tab, interactions are not grouped with the clients or contacts with whom the interactions occurred, so you can find any interaction that meets the criteria of the filter you apply. Use the Filter field at the top of the screen to narrow the list of interactions, or enter a keyword in the Search field to locate specific interactions. Click the Search Magnifying glass icon to perform a search.

File Transfers tab

The File Transfers tab shows information about past and in-progress file transfers. Select a transfer in the top pane to view additional details for that transfer in the bottom pane. Double-click a transfer to view it in a read-only dialog. Mark the Show last 30 days only and/or Open Transfers Only checkboxes to narrow the list of transfers.

Click the Field Chooser icon The field chooser icon is an arrow that points to a cell or field to choose the fields to be shown in this tab.

This information can also be viewed in the File Transfers portlet.

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