Sending files to a contact

The file transfers feature in DT Practice enables you to send files to contacts via portals in DT Firm Portal. The files are sent securely, and the recipient receives an email message with instructions for retrieving the files.

Note: To use the file transfers feature, your firm must be licensed for the Client Management module of DT Practice, as well as DT Firm Portal (for portals).

To send files to a contact, follow these steps.

  1. Choose File > Send Files to Contact.
  2. In the From Staff field, choose the staff member who is sending the files. This field is filled automatically with the name of the staff member who is currently logged into DT Practice, but you can select a different staff member if necessary.

    Note: The staff member in the From Staff field must already be associated with a portal in DT Staff Portal.

  3. In the To field, choose the contact to whom you want to send the files.

    The contact must have a valid email address entered in DT Practice.

    Note: If the desired contact is not yet entered into DT Practice, right-click and choose Add Contact.

  4. If applicable, choose the client, staff member, or office with whom the contact is associated in the Of field.
  5. In the Subject field, enter text that will make up the subject line of the email message received by the contact.
  6. Using the drop-down beneath the Subject field, choose whether to deliver the message body securely or include the message in the body of the email. Secure messages can only be read by contacts in their portals in DT Client Portal.
  7. In the text field, enter a message to the contact.
  8. Click the Add Files button in the upper right corner of the Send Files dialog, then navigate to and select the first file you want to send. Click Open to add the file to the file transfer.
  9. Repeat the previous step until all files have been added.
  10. If applicable, mark the Signature Required checkbox for each file that requires an electronic signature.
  11. Click the Send button. If the selected contact is already associated with an active portal, DT Practice immediately sends the message and transfers the files to the contact’s portal.
  12. If no portal exists for the contact, you will be prompted to choose one of the following options. Click the appropriate button to continue.
    • Help me find and use an existing portal — Opens the Find Portal dialog, where you can search for an existing portal associated with the contact or add a new one. If you find such a portal, highlight it and click Select to continue. The contact will receive an email message about the files being sent.
    • Add a portal for DT Client Portal — Immediately creates a new portal in DT Client Portal for the contact. The contact will receive two email messages: a welcome message with instructions for registering the new portal and logging in, and a notification message about the files being sent.
    • Add a temporary portal for DT Client Portal — Immediately creates a new temporary portal in DT Client Portal for the contact. The contact will receive two email messages: a welcome message with instructions for registering the new portal and logging in, and a notification message about the files being sent.

Contacts for whom you create portals (full or temporary) must first register those portals before they can access the files you sent. The email messages they receive will originate from the following address:

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