Printing to a DYMO label printer

To print to a DYMO printer, start by creating a new label based on an existing one in DT Practice that is closest in size to the one you want to print, and then follow the steps below to set up your label format.

  1. From the Setup menu, choose Custom Formats.
  2. In the Custom Formats frame, right-click and choose Add Label/Letter.
  3. In the Label/Letter Format Wizard, select a standard label on which to base your custom label.
  4. Enter a description for your format.
  5. Select the label type from the drop-down list.
  6. Click the Finish button.
  7. In the formatting grid, click and drag the printable area so that it is within the actual width of the label, including the margins.
  8. Click the Detail row of the Custom Formats screen.
  9. In the Properties pane, change the ColumnCount field to 1.
  10. Choose File > Page Setup to open the Report Settings dialog.
  11. Set the margins for the label.
  12. Click the Printer Settings icon.
  13. In the Paper Size field, select Custom paper from the drop-down list.
  14. Under Orientation, click the Landscape option.
  15. Set the Width and Height fields to the appropriate dimensions.
  16. Click OK.
  17. Click the Preview Preview button button on the Custom Formats toolbar.


  • If you see a red line on the right side of the preview, or if there is a blank preview between each label, the label is not the correct size in relation to your page settings. Change the printable area, width and height, or margin settings until you no longer see the red line or blank labels in the preview.
  • See the Practice CS Library portlet to download a format for a 1 1/8" x 3.5" DYMO label.

Related topic: Printing labels and letters

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