Time and Expense Journal report

The Time and Expense Journal report provides a listing of time and expenses entered into the application for a specified date range. This report also shows unapproved and unposted time and expense entries.

To view and print the Time and Expense Journal report, do one of the following:

  • Choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Time and Expense Journal in the available reports pane and then click the Select button.
  • Choose Actions > Time & Expense Entry. In the Time & Expense Entry screen, select a date from the Sheet Date field and then click the Journal button.
  • When you open the report from Time & Expense Entry, the report shows the data from the time entry grid that is currently open.
  • If a staff member does not have security permission to see amounts in DT Practice, the Amount field will not appear on the report.
  • You can also click the arrow on the Journal button to select any custom report that is based on the Time & Expense Journal report and set options for the selected report.

Important security note

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