Printing reports

To print reports from DT Practice, follow these steps.

  1. Choose File > Print Reports.
  2. In the Print Reports screen, select a report or profile from the list of reports and click the Select button to move it to the Selected Reports list. Repeat as necessary to select additional reports.


    • You also can double-click reports and profiles to add or remove them from the Selected Reports list.
    • To reorder the Selected Reports list, click and drag a report or profile name to the desired location in the list.

    If you encounter an SQL Server error with several “invalid column name” messages when you attempt to print a report, you may need to clear any applied filters before selecting the report.

    To do this, hold down the SHIFT key as you select the report.

  3. Use the Report Options Selection and Layout tabs to customize the report’s output.
  4. If you want to preview the report before printing, click the Preview Selected button.

    Note: You can also print reports directly from the Print Reports screen by clicking the Print Selected button. However, when you print from the Print Reports screen, the page range options in the Print dialog are unavailable.

  5. In the Report Viewer, choose File > Print to open the Print dialog.
  6. In the Print dialog, you can choose to print the report to one or more of the following outputs:
    Output to printer Mark this checkbox to send the report to the default printer for your workstation. To print to another printer, select it from the drop-down list.
    Output to DT FileCabinet If you are licensed for DT FileCabinet, mark this checkbox to send the report to DT FileCabinet when you print. Each report will be sent as one item with the same name as the report. You must also choose whether the reports should go to a client’s drawer or a staff member’s drawer.
    Output to file Allows you to print the report to a file (*.pdf, *.html, *.rtf, *.txt, *.tif, or *.xls). The file is saved in the folder that you specify in the field provided.


    • Reports printed as *.xls files are exported to a single Excel worksheet.
    • When you print a report to Excel by choosing File > Print from a report preview, the Excel file will contain hyperlinks and headers and footers from the page breaks generated for the previewed form of the report. When you print a report to Excel directly from the Print Reports screen by clicking the Print Selected button without first previewing the report, the header will occur only at the top of the Excel document, the footer will occur only at the bottom of the document, and there will be no hyperlinks in the Excel document.
    Output to
    Allows you to print the report as a specific file type and then send the report via e-mail to the recipients you choose. In the Recipients field, enter the recipients’ e-mail addresses separated by a semicolon (;) or click the Address book button button and select the addresses from your address book.
  7. Click OK to print the report to your selected output(s).
  8. Click the Back button on the toolbar to exit the report preview.

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