Project Tracking report

The Project Tracking report enables you to track the status of projects in DT Practice. The report lists staff members involved with the project; important dates such as start, received, and complete dates; and the number of times the project has been extended.

Note: This report is available only if you are licensed for the Project Management module.

To view and print the Project Tracking report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Project Tracking in the available reports pane and then click the Select button.

Information on the report includes the following:

  • ID, Project Description: The number and description assigned to the project at setup
  • Client Name: The client assigned to the project
  • Responsible: The staff member assigned to the project at setup
  • Priority: The priority (Low, Normal, or High) assigned to the project at setup
  • Target Start / Target Complete: The target dates assigned to the project at setup
  • Received: The date that the project was received
  • Actual Start / Actual Complete: The actual start and complete dates entered for the project
  • Current Due Date: The due date entered for the project at setup
  • Tracking: Indicates the status of the project
  • Ext: The number of times the project has been extended

Important security note

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