Receipt and Adjustment Journal report

This report is a journal of receipt and adjustment entries entered into the application for a specified control date. Use it to produce a hardcopy list of receipt and adjustment entries (for example, to accompany a deposit slip). This report also shows unapproved and unposted receipt and adjustment entries. The Receipt and Adjustment Journal report is available from both the Print Reports screen and the Receipts & Adjustment Entry screen.

To view and print the Receipt and Adjustment Journal report, you can either:

  • Choose Print Reports from the File menu. In the Print Reports screen, click Receipt and Adjustment Journal in the available reports pane, and then click the Select button. Or,
  • Choose Receipt & Adjustment Entry from the Actions menu. In the Receipt & Adjustment Entry screen, select the Control Date for which you want to view the report and then click the Journal button.

Note: You can also click the arrow on the Journal button to select any custom report that is based on the Receipt and Adjustment Journal report and set options for the selected report.

Information shown on this report for each receipt includes the date, client, type of receipt, bank account, reference number, amount received, amount applied, amount open, and an internal comment.

Important security note

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