Using the Chart Wizard

Use the Chart Wizard dialog to create and format custom charts that you can add to appropriate reports.

Note: In general, you can add a chart only to reports that contain data related to the data featured in the chart.

To open the Chart Wizard dialog, choose Setup > Custom Formats to open the Custom Formats setup screen, open the report to which you want to add the chart, then do one of the following:

  • Click the Chart Chart button in the toolbar, then click and drag to create a box on the format that will contain the chart. Double-click the chart you added to open the Chart Wizard.
  • In the Fields pane, right-click Custom Chart and choose Add Custom Chart from the context menu.

Use the various tabs on the left side of the dialog to set up the chart. When finished, enter a name for the chart in the Name field at the bottom of the dialog and click the Add Custom Chart button to add the chart to DT Practice and make it available for use on other reports.

Chart Type tab

Use this tab to choose the type of chart from the numerous available options, including 2D and 3D types. On this tab you can also swap the axes of the chart (changes the orientation), set the projection (rotation of the chart relative to the viewer), and change the lighting of the chart.

Appearance tab

On this tab, use the Palette subtab to choose the color palette for the chart. Use the Appearance subtab to change the appearance of individual elements of the chart. Click a line, axis, or other element in the preview pane to select it for modification.

Chart Data tab

Use this tab to select and set up the data for the chart. In the Series box, you can add and delete data elements (series) and change the sequence in which they are displayed. In the Series Settings box, you can edit the names of the series, change the chart type of the selected series, and select the DT Practice data that defines each series. Click the Chart Series Formula Editor to open the Chart Series Formulas dialog, where you can select fields and set up formulas.

Titles tab

Use this tab to format additional text elements on the edges of the chart. In the Titles box you can add and delete titles, make them visible or invisible, rename them, and specify their locations. In the Title properties box you can edit the text shown in titles and format their appearance.

Axes tab

Use this tab to format the X and Y axes of the chart (when applicable). For each axis, you can modify the title and font; choose whether to display labels, tick marks, grid lines; choose to show the title and/or labels inside the table; and change the number format of the axis label.

Legend tab

Use this tab to format the legend for the chart and make it visible or invisible. In the Labels box you can format the font used for the labels within the legend. In the Header and Footer box you can add and format text shown at the top and bottom of the legend. In the Position box you can specify the position of the legend and whether it appears within the chart. In the Grid layout box you can choose the way in which the legend is displayed (for example, as a vertical column or horizontal row).

Related topics

Custom formats overview

Using formulas

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