Using the Statement Format Wizard

Use the Statement Format Wizard dialog to begin the process of creating a custom statement format by selecting the information that should appear on client statements. When you click Finish to exit the wizard, the statement format will open in the designer screen, where you can further customize it.

To access the Statement Format Wizard, choose Setup > Custom Formats. In the Custom Formats pane on the left, right-click and choose Add Statement from the context menu.

Main tab

On this tab, enter a description for the custom statement format in the field provided. This description should distinguish the new statement format from other statement formats.

Heading Information tab

On the Heading Information tab, select information to print in the header of the statement. The information you select in this tab prints only at the top of the first page. Mark the checkbox next to each item that should appear in the statement header, and clear the checkbox next to each item that should be omitted.

Firm information

In this section, mark checkboxes for firm information you want to add to the header. This data is drawn from corresponding fields for the home office on the Office setup screen.

If you want to add your firm’s logo to the statement, mark the Logo checkbox, navigate to the logo graphic file, and click Open. By default, the logo will be added to the left of the firm information in the header and resized to fit a default size determined by the application. You can change the default placement and sizing later on the designer screen.

Client Information

In this section, mark checkboxes for client information you want to add to the header. This data is drawn from corresponding fields on the Clients setup screen.

Statement Information

In this section, mark checkboxes for the information you want included in the header.

A/R Information tab

Use this tab to choose accounts receivable information to include on statements. Mark the checkbox for each item you wish to include.

  • Mark the A/R Recap checkbox to provide a recap of the client’s A/R activity. The following information will be displayed:
    • client’s open A/R balance as of the beginning of the current period
    • total of all invoices dated within the current period, including the current invoice amount
    • total of all receipts from the current period
    • total of all adjustments from the current period
    • total of all service charges assessed in the current period
    • A/R balance
  • Mark the A/R Detail checkbox and then select one of the following options:
    • A/R Ledger: Select this option to include a beginning A/R balance, current period activity, and amount due.
    • A/R Open Items with Current Activity: Select this option to display prior-period open A/R items, current period activity, and amount due.
    • A/R Open Items: Select this option to display open A/R items and amount due.
  • Mark the A/R Aging checkbox to add a five-period aging section to the statement.
  • Mark the Dunning Messages checkbox to include the dunning messages from the Billing and A/R tab of the Firm setup screen.

Pay Stub Information tab

On this tab, indicate whether you would like a pay stub to appear at the bottom of the statement, and mark the checkbox for each item you want to be included on the pay stub.

Mark the Include a pay stub checkbox to add a pay stub to the custom format. DT Practice will automatically create a dashed divider line and the label "Please return this portion with payment" at the top of the pay stub.

In the Pay stub information section, mark the checkbox for each item you want to include on the pay stub. Client information is drawn from the Clients setup screen, and will include the phone number designated as primary.

If you mark the A/R Terms checkbox, DT Practice will add the text from the A/R Terms field in the Billing and A/R tab of the Firm setup screen.

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