Custom fields overview

Custom fields enable you to track information in DT Practice that is not tracked in the application’s default configuration. You can create an unlimited number of custom fields for offices, staff, activities, clients, engagements, projects, tasks, time & expense entries, and invoices. You can also create custom fields for schedule items such as notes, meetings, phone calls, messages, to do items, CPE courses, and benefits.

Custom fields of the List and Staff List types are also available as grouping options during reporting.

Example: Your firm may want to include information about clients’ credit ratings with each client record. Because DT Practice does not provide its own credit rating field, you can set up your own custom field for this information.

When setting up a custom field, you first enter a description for the field that will appear in DT Practice (up to 30 characters), and then you can choose from six different field types:

  • Check Box — Checkbox; can be marked or unmarked
  • Date — Date field; user can enter date or choose it from drop-down calendar
  • List — Provides a custom list from which a selection can be made; see Creating list entries for custom fields for more information
  • Number — Field that allows numeric entries only; user can enter data manually or via drop-down calculator
  • Staff List — Provides list of firm staff from which selection can be made
  • Text — Free text field; maximum length is 4000 characters

Further customization is required for Text and List fields. See Setting up custom fields for more information on customizing fields.

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