Selecting the staff to display in the Manage Staff screen

To select which staff members to display in the Manage Staff screen, follow these steps.

  1. From the Actions menu, choose Manage Staff.
  2. Select the appropriate tab (Assignments, Schedule, or Schedule Items).
  3. Click the Select Staff button.
  4. In the Select Staff dialog, select the staff members you want to display from the list on the left, and click the Select button.
  5. Click OK. The selected staff members now appear in the Manage Staff screen.
  6. To remove a staff member from view, do one of the following:
    • Click the Select Staff button, click the staff member’s name in the list on the right, and click the Remove button.
    • Right-click the staff member’s calendar in the timeline and choose Remove Staff from the context menu (Schedules and Schedule Items tabs).
    • Click the Close button when in Tiles view in the Assignments tab.

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