Entering individual staff time and expenses

Staff can use the Entry tab of the Time & Expense Entry screen to enter their own time and expenses.

Note: Firms that have administrative staff who enter other employees’ time and expenses for them can use the Overview tab to view and enter time and expenses for multiple staff. See Entering time and expenses for multiple staff for more information.

Entering a time transaction

  1. From the Actions menu, choose Time & Expense Entry.
  2. Click the Entry tab.
  3. In the Staff field, enter the staff ID or name, or select it from the drop-down list.
  4. In the Sheet Date field, enter a date for the timesheet, or click the Down arrow button and select a sheet date from the drop-down calendar.

    Note: Dates in red on the calendar contain time and expense entries. If you pause your mouse pointer over a date in red, a tool tip will display the number of hours entered for that day.
  5. On the Time subtab, click the Client field in the first blank row, and select a client ID from the drop-down list.
  6. Complete the Engagement field (required).

    Note: If you have chosen a default in User Preferences for the client, engagement, or activity, these fields will be completed automatically by the application and may be hidden.

  7. If your firm is licensed for the Project Management module, update project and task information as needed.
    1. If there is a project associated with this entry, select it in the Project field.
    2. To update project tracking information, either right-click the Project field or click the Task Selection Folder with green checkmark button next to the Project field to open the Task Selection dialog.
    3. If there is a task associated with this entry, select it from the Task list.

      Note: If the task you select has an activity associated with it, the Activity field is completed automatically.

    4. To update task tracking information, either right-click the Task field or click the Task Selection Folder with green checkmark button next to the Project field to open the Task Selection dialog.
  8. In the Date field, you can enter a date or click the button to select it from the drop-down calendar. If you have specified a default date, the application will complete the Date field with the default you selected. If you have not specified a default date and leave the Date field blank, the application will enter the date from the previous transaction.

    Note: The application will also complete the Client, Engagement, and Activity fields with the entry from the previous transaction, if you leave them blank.

  9. If your firm has assigned rates to activities or engagements, the Rate field is completed automatically by the application; if not, you must select the rate from the drop-down list.

    Note: If you do not have security permission to override rates, this field is hidden.

  10. In the Hours field, enter the number of hours or select the number from the drop-down calculator.


    • This column will be labeled either Hours or Minutes depending on the User Preferences your firm has selected for entering time.
    • If preferred, you can start a timer rather than entering an amount in the Hours field.
  11. The application calculates the Amount field automatically.


    • If you do not have security permission to view WIP amounts, this field is hidden.
    • Staff with the appropriate security permission can override the amount, if necessary. When an amount is overridden, it appears in red. Amounts that you override cannot be recalculated by the application; you can only change them manually.
  12. You can enter an optional comment in the Comment field. If you need more space to enter information, click the Comment Blank rectangle button and enter the text in the Comment dialog.

    Use this field to enter an optional comment on time and expense entries that you can include on invoices and reports. If the text you enter is longer than the length of the field, the Comment dialog opens to provide more space to type. To save time, you can select a pre-defined text item from the Standard text field to use as the comment.

    Note: These standard text entries come from Setup > Standard Text.

    Click the Check Spelling button to spell check your comment. Click OK to return to the Time & Expense Entry screen.

  13. You can also add an optional note to the biller in the Biller Note field.

    Use the Biller Note field to enter an optional note on time and expense entries for billing. This note is for internal purposes only. If the text you enter is longer than the length of the field, the Biller Note dialog opens to provide more space to type. To save time, you can select a pre-defined text item from the Standard text field to use as the biller note.

    Note: These standard text entries come from Setup > Standard Text.

    Click the Check Spelling button to spell check the biller note. Click OK to return to the Time & Expense Entry screen.

  14. Press the TAB key until you reach the end of the line to complete the entry.

Entering comp time

If your firm is licensed for the Staff Management module and tracks comp time, you can enter a comp time transaction on the Time & Expense Entry screen.

  1. On the Entry tab of the Time & Expense Entry screen, select a staff member and sheet date.
  2. Click the Comp Time button.
  3. In the Comp Time Detail dialog, enter a date for the comp time entry in the Date field of the last row. This should be the date on which the comp time was earned or used.
  4. In the Description field, select Earned, Used, or Manual Adjustment.
    • Earned — comp time was earned on this date
    • Used — comp time was used on this date
    • Manual Adjustment — an adjustment is required (should be used as necessary by firm administrators)
  5. In the Hours field, enter the number of hours.

    Note: If you selected Used in the Description field, the number in this field will be displayed as a negative amount.

  6. Click OK.

You can view comp time balances in the Benefits portlet on the Staff Dashboard. Staff with sufficient security privileges can view comp time balances on the Benefits tab of the Manage Staff screen.

Entering an expense transaction

  1. Click the Expense subtab.
  2. Select the Client and Engagement for the expense.
  3. If there is a project associated with the expense entry, select it from the Project drop-down list. Click the Task Selection Folder with green checkmark button next to the Project field to open the Task Selection dialog and update task information.

    Note: For expense entries, only tasks with an expense type activity are available in the Task Selection dialog.

  4. Select an Activity for the expense. This is a required field. Note that only expense type activities are available in the drop-down list.
  5. Enter or select a date for the expense.
  6. Enter the number of units for the expense, or use the drop-down calculator, to complete the Units field.
  7. The Unit Price field shows the unit price that has been set up for the selected activity. You can enter a different price, if necessary.
  8. The Amount field is calculated automatically by multiplying the number of units by the unit price.
  9. You can optionally enter text in the Comment field by clicking the Comment Blank rectangle button and entering or selecting text in the Comment dialog.
  10. You can also add an optional note to the biller in the Biller Note field.
  11. Press the TAB key until you reach the end of the line to complete the expense entry.

Editing on the fly

You can add, edit, and delete information in certain fields directly in the Time & Expense Entry screen if you have the appropriate security permission. Right-click in a field and choose from the context menu.

You can also use the context menu to filter the items in the drop-down lists, print the data entry grid, and spell check and delete entries.

Related topics

Setting up user preferences for Time & Expense Entry

Understanding rate calculations in time entry

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