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Investment Needed to Achieve Goal Calculator

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Product support for ToolBox CS ended on October 31, 2022.

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This calculator computes whether a financial goal is achieved based on the amount of the initial and periodic investments plus other criteria. If the goal is not achieved, the application provides recommendations for achieving the goal.


A taxpayer currently has $10,000 and invests $500 a month for 10 years, with an annual rate of return of 8%. Will he achieve his goal of having $100,000?

Field Input
Investment goal $100,000
Initial investment $10,000
Each investment $500
Investments per year 12
Years of investments 10
Annual rate of return 8%

In this example, the taxpayer would exceed his goal of $100,000. The total accumulated amount equals $113,669.46. 

Copying and pasting investment schedules into Excel or other applications

View this procedure to find out how you can copy investment schedules from this calculator to the application clipboard, and then paste them into Microsoft Excel or other applications.

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