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Marginal Tax Rate Comparison - 2018 Calculator

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This calculator uses the tax rate schedule, as well as the effect of phase-outs, to determine a taxpayer's federal marginal tax rate for a specified tax year.

Note: This calculator does not consider other taxes, such as the effect of alternative minimum tax or capital gains tax.


If your clients have an AGI of $115,000, are married and filing jointly, and have two children, what is their marginal tax rate?

Field Input
Filing status Married Filing Joint
Adjusted gross income $115,000
Exemptions 4
Qualifying dependents for child credit 2

In this example, your clients' marginal tax rate is 30%. This percentage does not match the tax rate schedules of 25% because the child tax credit is being phased out. This makes the effective tax rate higher than the rate shown on the tax rate schedule.


This calculator uses the tax rate schedule, as well as the effect of phase-outs, to determine a taxpayer's federal marginal tax rate for a specified tax year.

Note: This calculator does not consider other taxes, such as the effect of alternative minimum tax or capital gains tax.

To compare pre- and post-TCJA tax rates, use this calculator together with the Marginal Tax Rate (pre-TCJA) calculator.


If your clients have an AGI of $115,000, are married and filing jointly, and have two children, what is their marginal tax rate?

Field Input
Filing status Married Filing Joint
Adjusted gross income $115,000
Qualifying dependents for child credit 2

In this example, your clients' marginal tax rate is 22%. 

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