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Qualified Farmer Determination for Estimated Tax Calculator

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This calculator computes whether or not your client qualifies for the farmer's calculation of estimated tax (IRS Form 2210-F).

Note: Your client's gross income from farming must be at least 2/3 of total income.


Your client works during the winter as an employee at a nonfarming job and works on his farm during the rest of the year. Does he qualify for the estimated tax benefits afforded to farmers?

Field Input
Gross Income section
All wages $15,000
Dividend income $1,200
Schedule F Gross income $80,000
Gross Farm Income section
Schedule F Gross income $80,000

In this example, your client qualifies for the farmer's calculation of estimated tax because the farming gross income is more than 2/3 of total income. The gross farming income is 83.1601% of total income.

Note: All gross farm income must be entered in both the Gross Income section and the Gross Farm Income section.

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