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AGI-Sensitive Tax Items Projection Tool (pre-TCJA) - 2018 Worksheet

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This worksheet is a general guide for estimating whether the taxpayer will be eligible for certain deductions and credits subject to phase-out rules based on adjusted gross income (AGI).

It also estimates whether the taxpayer will be subject to the 3.8% net investment income tax or the phase-out of itemized deductions.


  1. Modifications to adjusted gross income apply but vary depending on the specific tax provision. Exclusions related to foreign income are typically the most significant modifications. See the MAGI Guide for more information on the modifications that apply to specific tax provisions
  2. For a taxpayer covered by an employer retirement plan.
  3. For a taxpayer not covered by an employer retirement plan but whose spouse is covered by an employer retirement plan.
  4. The deduction or credit may be unavailable for reasons other than AGI. (For example, a taxpayer can deduct a student's tuition and fees or claim an education credit for the expenses, but not both).

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