CS Professional Suite®

Help & How-To Center

Toolbox CS installation toolkit

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Product support for ToolBox CS ended on October 31, 2022.

Help & How-To Center content for ToolBox CS may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

Follow the steps in this guide to ensure that the Practice CS installation is successful and to help prevent issues operating the program.

Pre-installation requirements

Before installing, complete the following items:

If you have a terminal server, see the Terminal server best practices for CS Professional Suite applications for installation requirements and best practices for setup.

For more information on this topic, see How to determine your user account type in Windows External link( What's this?).

This icon appears alongside links to resources that are not developed or maintained by Thomson Reuters. We provide access to these resources for your convenience, but we are not responsible for their accuracy. If you need additional assistance, please consult your qualified technician and/or the vendor who developed the resource.

For more information on how to configure your antivirus software, see Antivirus guidelines for CS Professional Suite applications.

Do not temporarily disable your antivirus as an alternative to setting the recommended exceptions. Many antivirus programs continue to run after being disabled, which means that installation issues can occur. If you do have success installing with a disabled antivirus, re-enabling the antivirus could cause issues updating the program, as well as slowness operating the program and data loss.

For more information on how to configure your firewall, see Firewall guidelines for CS Professional Suite applications.

Do not temporarily disable your firewall as an alternative to setting the recommended exceptions. Many firewalls continue to run after being disabled, which means that installation issues can occur. If you do have success installing with a disabled firewall, re-enabling the antivirus could cause issues updating the program, as well as CS Connect errors and slowness.

For more information about permissions, see Permissions guidelines for the CS Professional Suite.

Toolbox CS installer

Download the installer

The installer is available on the CS Professional Suite download page. You'll need to sign in to your CS Web account to access to the download. After signing in, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the link to download Toolbox CS.
  2. Click the Proceed to Download link.
  3. Click the Download Now button.

    If you are given the option to Run or Save the download, choose Save. If you attempt to run the installation file rather than saving it, the program will not install properly and you may have issues moving forward.

Run the installer

Complete the following steps to run the installation file, which extracts the Toolbox CS Setup files:

  1. Navigate to the folder where the file was downloaded.
  2. Run the toolboxdownload.exe file.
  3. In the Choose Destination Folder dialog that opens, note the destination. You will use this Destination Folder location to re-run the installation later in the event that you need to restart the server or re-install. Click the Browse button to choose a different destination, or click Extract to use the default destination. We recommend using the default destination.
  4. If you receive a warning that the destination folder already exists, click Yes to overwrite the existing files; the files are not configurable so it's ok to overwrite them.
  5. Once the extraction is complete, the Toolbox CS Setup will automatically open.

Complete the Toolbox CS Setup

The Toolbox CS Setup opens automatically after running the installer as described above. You can start the Toolbox CS Setup on its own by browsing to the Toolbox CS xxxx.x.x Download folder (where xxxx.x.x is the version of Toolbox CS) and running the Setup.exe. The default location for the folder is the C: drive of the database server.

  1. With the Toolbox CS Setup running, click Install Toolbox CS.
  2. Answer the question on the Welcome to Toolbox CS Setup window. You must be sitting at the server where your database will reside, so you should move to that machine if you are not there already.
  3. Review the license agreement. If you agree, mark the I accept the terms in the License Agreement checkbox.
  4. If you receive a Pending Restart Detected window that prompts you to restart, you can choose the third option to Continue without restarting. If you see this warning repeatedly, you will need to restart.
  5. You will be taken to an Installation Steps window. See the next section for the rest of the instructions.

Installation Steps 1 and 2

The Installation Steps window may appear several times throughout the Toolbox CS Setup.

If Step 1 or 2 has a green checkmark, it means that step is already complete. If you want to go through a step again (for example, to change the Step 1 path where the Toolbox CS shared files are installed) click the blue link to get to that step. If you click the Next button on this window, you will automatically be taken to the incomplete steps.

Step 1: Select where the Toolbox CS Shared Files reside

Use this step to indicate where the Toolbox CS shared files are installed. The Toolbox CS Shared Files are the system files for Toolbox CS; we recommend using the default WinCSI folder.

Click the ellipsis box to choose a location for the Toolbox CS Shared Files Folder. We recommend using the default WinCSI folder. Read the information on the Step 1 window for more tips on how to choose a location. Click Next once you select a location. 

Step 2: Install Toolbox CS on this computer

Use this step to install a Toolbox CS desktop icon and create any files necessary to run Toolbox CS on the local machine.

  1. Choose Install Toolbox CS; despite what the Toolbox CS Setup window says, we recommend installing Toolbox CS on the database server as a troubleshooting tool. Click Next.
  2. This window is informational only and lists the components that need to be installed on the machine, if any. Click Next. 
  3. Wait for the installation to complete. If the installation completes successfully, you will automatically move to the next screen.
  4. If you need to install Toolbox CS on other machines in a network, read the instructions on the Toolbox CS Setup dialog. You can also find those instructions in Running desktop setup.

Completing the Toolbox CS Setup Wizard

When the Toolbox CS Setup is complete, you can mark the Run Toolbox CS option to start the program. Click Finish. Toolbox CS is now installed.

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