CS Professional Suite®

Help & How-To Center

Creating a new item

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Product support for ToolBox CS ended on October 31, 2022.

Help & How-To Center content for ToolBox CS may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

To create a new item (financial calculator, tax form, tax flowchart, or client document), follow these steps.

  1. Use the Navigation pane to select the type of item you want to create.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose File > New > ‹Name of item›, or
    • Click the New button in the toolbar, or
    • Double-click the item name in the Navigation pane.
  3. A dialog opens containing a new item, in which you can enter and save data as needed.
  4. To print an item, choose File > Print or click the Print button.

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