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401(k) Plan - Contribution to Individual (Solo) 401(k) - 2019 Calculator

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Use this worksheet to compute a self-employed person's deductible contribution to a solo or individual 401(k) plan.

Note: Do not use if taxpayer maintains another defined contribution plan or has earnings from multiple sole proprietorships.


  1. Farmers receiving social security retirement or disability benefits reduce SE income by the amount of Conservation Reserve Program payments included in SE income.
  2. Married taxpayers residing in the community property states disregard community property laws when determining the taxpayer’s net earnings from self-employment.
  3. An eligible individual must make elective deferrals up to the regular limit for the year ($18,000 in 2017) before any are treated as catch-up contributions.
  4. A taxpayer’s elective deferrals to all plans for 2017 are limited to a total of $19,000.
  5. If available, the allowable catch-up contribution amount is the lesser of (1) the applicable limit or (2) the excess of taxpayer’s compensation over regular elective deferrals.

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