Changing the list of asset classes that is available from the Method/Life Wizard

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The following lists of asset classes are available: General, Farm, Indian Reservation, and Indian Reservation Farm. By default, all activities use the General asset class list, except Farm, which defaults to using the Farm asset class list.

To change the list of asset classes that is available from the Method/Life Wizard during asset data entry, complete the following steps.

  1. In the Asset List window, choose Setup > Activity. The activity that is currently selected in the folders block appears in the Activity list.
  2. Under Method/Life Wizard type, click the option for the desired list of asset classes.
  3. If you want to change the list of asset classes for any other activity, select the desired activity in the folders block and then repeat steps 1 - 3 .
  4. Click OK.

Note: To view the asset classes that are available from each list of asset classes, choose Setup > Method/Life Wizard. At the top of the dialog, click the General, Farm, Indian Reservation, or Indian Res Farm tab, and scroll through the asset class list.

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