Amending a fiduciary return (1041)

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Use Form 1041 to file an amended return.

  1. Choose File > Open Client and select the return to be amended.
  2. Choose File > Save As.
  3. Enter a new client ID to preserve the original information, and click Save.
  4. Close the preserved return and open the original return to modify the income, deductions, or beneficiary information as necessary.
  5. Click the General folder.
  6. On Screen Amend, enter data in the statement dialog for the Explanation of changes field to explain the changes made to the original return.

    Note: To show that you amended Form 5227, enter the explanation in the Amended return explanation field on Screen SIT in the Split-Interest folder.

  7. Enter data in the Amounts as previously reported: fields, as applicable. If you have entered information in the Explanation of changes field, these amounts will apply to the return, as applicable. 


  • To amend a return for Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, or Pennsylvania, you must enter X in the Transfer original information field on Screen Amend for the applicable state. Then, you change any information at the federal level to complete the fields with the original information.
  • Form 1041, Schedule K-1 and Grantor / Agency Report are marked as amended when there is an entry in the statement for the Explanation of changes field on Screen Amend.

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