709-US: Proforma affected when there is a change in marital status (FAQ)

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Change due to death

When the donor's date of death is entered on Screen 709 and the Proforma all gift information to next year field on Screen 709 is marked, the following occurs.

  • The surviving spouse's information displays in the Donor Information section on Screen 709 next year.
  • All gifts from the spouse and decedent proforma, eliminating the need to re-enter gift information should the surviving spouse continue to make gifts previously made by the decedent.

When the spouse's date of death is entered and the Proforma all gift information to next year field is marked on Screen 709, all gift information proformas; however, the spouse's information does not.

If a single donor’s date of death is entered, or dates of death are entered for both donor and spouse, the client is excluded from proforma.

Change due to divorce

To create a client with the former spouse as the donor, enter 2 in the Donor and spouse marital status, if not married all year field on Screen 709. Also, enter X in the Proforma all gift information to next year and If divorced, proforma spouse as donor next year fields on Screen 709. After proforma, the following will occur.

  • The spouse's data appears in the Donor Information section on Screen 709.
  • All gifts previously made by the spouse are shown as being made by the donor.
  • No prior-year donor or gift information appears.

To create a client with just the donor's information, enter 2 in the Donor and spouse marital status, if not married all year field on Screen 709. Leave the If divorced, proforma spouse as donor next year field on Screen 709 blank. The proforma'd client includes only donor and donor gift information. No spousal or spousal gift information appears.

Note: In a divorce situation where you will maintain both individuals (donor and spouse) as separate clients, it is necessary to proforma the current client twice. Proforma with the If divorced, proforma spouse as donor next year field marked and choose File > Save as to rename the client. Clear the field in the current client and proforma again. The first client is the former spouse and the second client is the donor.

Related articles 709-US: Proforma FAQs

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