1040-US: Printing an invoice for Form 1045 NOL carryback without listing all forms in return

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When using the Invoice Pricing feature, I am unable to print just the Form 1045 on the invoice. That's all I want to bill for at this time. How can I receive just Form 1045 on the invoice?


To receive only Form 1045 listed on your client's invoice, let's create a custom invoice that you can use for any client that performs a carryback.

In the 1040 Product Information dialog:

  1. In UltraTax CS, choose Setup > 1040 Individual > Federal > Invoice button > Text & Format Options.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a document name in the field provided (e.g. Form 1045 Invoice) and click OK.
  4. Highlight the {Form Price List} variable (located near the bottom of the invoice text) and press the DELETE key on your keyboard.
  5. Manually type Form 1045 (or the desired text).
  6. Place your cursor within the invoice where you want the invoice amount to appear and choose Insert > Variable > [invoice amt].
  7. Click OK to exit the Variables dialog.
  8. Edit any other text as needed in the invoice.
  9. Choose Document > Exit and, when prompted, click Yes to save your changes.
  10. Click OK to exit the 1040 Product Information dialog.

In the client:

  1. Open your client and access Screen Letter, located under the General folder.
  2. Select the custom invoice that was created from the Custom invoice number fieldview. Note that this invoice will be available for all 1040 clients.
  3. Enter the amount in the Invoice amount (Force) field.
  4. Preview the invoice by choosing View > View/Customize Invoice.

Related topic: Form 1045 and net operating loss worksheets FAQs (1040)

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