Using the Family Transfer Utility to transfer data between returns

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You can use the Family Transfer Utility to transfer data between returns for the following scenarios.

  • Transferring dependent modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) information between returns for household income calculations needed by Form 8962, Form 8965, and the Health Care: Individual Responsibility Worksheet.
  • Transferring information to calculate Form 8615, Tax for Certain Children Who Have Unearned Income. 

To transfer information between returns, follow these steps.

If you need to change a return after a transfer, you can either re-transfer new information via the Family Transfer Utility, or you can manually update the applicable input screens within each return. You can remove transferred data by using the Undo button in the Family Transfer Utility dialog.

  1. Complete data entry for all returns that will be involved in the transfer.
  2. Choose Utilities > Family Transfer Utility. 
  3. In the pane on the left, highlight the parent or claiming taxpayer, and then click the Select Parent button to move the return to the pane on the right.


    • Only clients who meet the criteria designated in the Focus group box are listed in the pane on the left.
    • Use the search field to quickly search by client ID. To search for a client by name, click the Name column heading and enter a name in the search field at the top.
    • You must select the parent or claiming taxpayer before selecting any dependents.
    • Only one parent or claiming taxpayer can be selected.
    • After the transfer completes, UltraTax CS will save your selections as a family unit. For any subsequent transfers, selecting a parent or claiming taxpayer will automatically populate the Clients selected pane with any dependents who were previously selected with the transfer. 
  4. In the pane on the left, highlight a dependent and click the Select Child/Dependent button to move the return to the pane on the right.
  5. Repeat step 4 for all applicable dependents.
  6.  In the Transfer type group box at the lower-right, mark one or both of the following checkboxes.
    • Dependent modified adjusted gross income (Form 8962/8965/Individual Responsibility) - If you mark this checkbox, data transfers as follows:
      • Dependent information transfers to the parent or claiming taxpayer in the Dependent's modified AGI statement dialog on Screen Coverage (Health Care folder). To see the calculation of the dependent information, refer to Worksheet 6, Itemized/Standard Deduction & Dependent MAGI worksheet in the dependent's return.
      • No calculated data transfers to the dependent's return.
      • Client IDs and Transfer Type information transfers to Screen Family in the General folder for each return involved in the transfer.
    • Kiddie tax (Form 8615) - If you mark this checkbox, data transfers as follows:
      • Parent information transfers to each child's Screen 8615 (Taxes folder).
      • No data transfers to the parent's return.
      • When the transfer has been completed, the Family Transfer Utility Status will summarize the client IDs, return type, and transfer type.
      • Client IDs and Transfer Type information transfers to Screen Family in the General folder for each return involved in the transfer.
  7. Click the Preview button to see a report of the data that will transfer between family members. When you close the Preview dialog, you will be prompted to either complete the transfer or abandon the transfer. 
  8. Click the Transfer button to transfer the data between family members. Once the transfer has been completed, data may be updated by re-transferring the data using the utility or by manually updating the applicable input screens. If you need to remove transferred data from one or more returns, see Removing information that was transferred via the Family Transfer Utility.


  • To review the data that was transferred, refer to Screen Family in the General folder in each return.
  • A diagnostic will indicate whether any changes have occurred in a return after a transfer has taken place. If necessary, follow the steps above to overwrite previously transferred information with the most current information.
  • Family Transfer Utility datasharing will proforma to the next year, so it does not need to be completed every year if the family structure does not change.

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