1065-US: Entering liabilities for Schedule K-1, item K (FAQ)

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Where do I enter liabilities for Schedule K-1, item K?


UltraTax CS defaults liabilities from Screen L in the Balance Sheet folder, other than those entered in the All nonrecourse loans field, as recourse liabilities at-risk. Liabilities entered in the All nonrecourse loans field default to nonrecourse at-risk. Use the Liability Classification field in the statement dialog for these fields to designate a different liability classification. UltraTax CS adds these liabilities to the liabilities from passthrough entities in Screen K1 and then transfers the total amount to Schedule K-1, item K and to the Partner's Basis Worksheet.

Use the Force fields in the Partner Share of Liabilities section in Screen SepK in the associated activity to use an amount different from the amount UltraTax CS calculates on Schedule K-1, item K and on the Partner's Basis Worksheet.

Related topic: Partner liabilities FAQs (1065)

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