1120-NY/NYC: Available payment options for the NY and NYC estimates

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NY Estimates


  • Estimates are not e-filed
  • This option affects only the text printed on the FI/TI
  • Payment is initiated by taxpayer or preparer on NY website
  • Taxpayer or preparer must register on website


  • Estimates must be e-filed
  • Authorization to withdraw funds (EFW) is included with e-filed estimates
  • EFW is selected using the Payment method field on Screen NYELFEst


  • Estimate must be e-filed
  • Authorization to withdraw funds is not included with e-filed estimates
  • Taxpayer must initiate estimate payments with their bank outside the UltraTax CS application
  • EFT is selected for Payment method on Screen NYELFEst

NY City Estimates


  • Only used if paper filing estimates
  • NYC estimates do not fall under the preparer mandate
  • All taxpayers can paper file NYC estimates


  • Estimates are not e-filed
  • This option affects only the text printed on the FI/TI
  • Payment is initiated by taxpayer or preparer on NY website
  • Taxpayer or preparer must register on website


  • Estimate must be e-filed
  • Authorization to withdraw funds (EFW) is included with e-filed estimates
  • EFW is the default option when electronically filing the city estimates

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