1120-NY ELF: Electronically filing a short-year return if the federal return is not a short-year return

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Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

To electronically file a New York return with a tax year different than the federal return, complete the following steps.

  1. Clone the existing client. Open the client, choose File > Save As, enter a new client ID for the client, and click the Save button. This new client has the same EIN and name as the federal client, but is used for New York purposes only.
  2. Change the year end information on Screen 1120 to the New York tax year.
  3. Make any changes needed to the federal information to calculate the correct tax on the New York return.
  4. Mark the File this return electronically field in Screen ELF.
  5. Mark the Short year return field in Screen NYELF.
  6. Attach a pdf of the federal return filed with the IRS. Choose Edit > Electronic Filing Attachments, click the Add button. Select Federal Return in the Attachment title field. In the Product field, select New York. In the Return field, select Tax Return. If the document was scanned into FileCabinet CS, click the FileCabinet CS option and then click the Select button to select the appropriate document. If the document was not scanned into FileCabinet CS, click the File option and click the Browse button to browse to the location of the document you want to attach.
  7. Review all diagnostics and clear all ELF diagnostics.
  8. Print the return to generate the electronic file either to a printer or to FileCabinet CS.
  9. Follow the normal procedures to send the returns electronically via CS Connect.

Related topic: 1120 New York frequently asked questions

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