1040-IN: Public School Education Expense credit

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Indiana allows a credit for qualified expenses an educator paid for certain classrooms supplies. The credit is the lesser of the total qualifying expenses or $100 and is limited to state tax available after considering any Schedule CC-40 credit, Other State Credit, Schedule IN-529 credit, and Adoption credit. 

If the expenses also qualify for the federal deduction, enter them in the Educator expenses statement on the federal OtherAdj screen in the 1040 Adjustments folder. Amounts you enter in that statement with State code IN and State use code indicate that the expenses qualify for both the federal deduction and Indiana credit and will transfer to the Public School Educator Expense Credit statement on the INCr screen in the Credits folder. Enter any additional qualifying expenses that don't qualify for the federal deduction and you didn't enter at the federal level. Information in this statement will calculate the credit on Schedule 6 or G. 

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