1040-IN: Extension payments for county tax

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When you are extending the Indiana return, the total extension payment calculates based on state income tax liability and taxpayer/spouse county tax liability, considering any related withholding or estimates already paid toward the current year. The Indiana Department of Revenue requires that you report the portion of the total extension payment that is attributable to the taxpayer/spouse county tax. The total extension payment allocates based on the tax from Schedule CT-40/40PNR less any related county withholding and county estimates paid.

Force fields are available on the INExt screen in the Payments folder if you want to allocate a different amount of the extension payment to the taxpayer county tax portion and the spouse county tax portion of Form IT-9. If you force amounts, you must enter amounts for both the taxpayer and spouse. Otherwise, the fields that don't have amounts are treated as zero for purposes of reporting county tax on Form IT-9.


  • Amounts you enter in the force fields only affect the distribution of county and state tax on Form IT-9. They do not affect the total amount the taxpayer is paying. If you want to change the amount the taxpayer will pay, use the Balance due on extension (Force) field above.
  • Unlike Form IT-9, Form IT-2210 doesn't calculate state (adjusted gross income) tax due and county income tax due separately. Instead, Form IT-2210 penalties are based on total amount due.

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