Screen INPen - Indiana Penalties and Interest (1040)

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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

General Information

Date return filed

If the date you enter is later than the return due date, the penalty for failure to pay (FTP), the penalty for failure to file (FTF) and the interest on the underpayment calculates automatically. If you leave this field blank, the field defaults to the due date (original or extended) of the return.

Underpayment of Estimated Tax

2017 tax

The prior year state tax and county tax less nonrefundable and refundable credits amount proforma’s to this field.

2017 state taxable income

Enter the amount of the 2017 Indiana taxable income if you did not proforma. This information calculates exceptions to the Indiana underpayment penalty.

Farming or fishing income: 2017 gross income / … / 2018 gross income from farming or fishing

Enter amounts only when two-thirds or more of gross income is from farming or fishing.

Annualized Income

Use this section to enter information for the calculation of Form IT-2210 penalties when income and deductions occur unevenly during the year. The fourth quarter of annualized income and deductions are automatically on Form IT-2210.

Indiana adjusted income

Enter the cumulative Indiana adjusted income for the first, second, and third periods.

County tax

If there is county tax and the taxpayer is annualizing their income, enter the annualized county tax amounts.

Credits (Force)

The total credits on the return prorate to correspond with each annualization period. You can force different amounts here.

State tax withheld

If Indiana state withholding was not withheld equally throughout the year, enter the actual amount withheld for each period.

County tax withheld

If Indiana county withholding was not withheld equally throughout the year, enter the actual amount withheld for each period.

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