1040-NC: Credit for child and dependent care expenses

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A credit must be claimed on federal Form 2441, Child and Dependent Care Expenses in order to obtain a credit on the North Carolina return. To calculate the credit when the federal Form 2441 has not been filed, access the Credit screen (in the Credits folder in the NC input screens), mark the Calculate credit (Force) field, and enter an amount in the Other qualifying expenses not claimed on federal return field.

An amount entered in the Other qualifying expenses not claimed on federal return field adds to the amount on D-400TC, Line 11 - Other qualifying expenses, when the federal return has calculated a credit on Form 2441. An amount entered here is included on the D-400TC, Line 8 - Expenses from Federal Form 2441, when the Calculate credit (Force) field has been marked.

The application automatically calculates the portion for dependents under the age of 7 based upon the date of birth entered on federal Screen 1040 (in the General folder). To alter this amount or to include an amount for a dependent who was physically or mentally incapable of caring for themselves, enter an amount on Screen Credit (in the Credits folder in the NC input screens) in the Expenses paid for dependents under the age of seven (Force) field.

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