Changing the exempt organization's name and address for mailing slipsheets (990)

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Business Organizer automatically generates the client and preparer slipsheets using the exempt organization's name and address (as entered in Screen 990). To change the exempt organization's name and address for both slipsheets in the organizer and the tax return, complete the following steps.

  1. Choose File > Open Client, select the client, and click Open.
  2. In the folders block on the left side of the screen, click the General folder.
  3. Click the tab for Screen Letter.
  4. At the top of Screen Letter, click the Misc Variables button to move to the Miscellaneous Variables and Mailing Slipsheet section.
  5. Enter the mailing slipsheet information in the slipsheet name and address fields.

Note: By default, information entered in the slipsheet name and address fields on Screen Letter will proforma to the following year. To prevent the information from being proforma'd to the following year, enter X in the Do not proforma slipsheet force fields field.

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