Changing the date that prints on documents

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The [date printed] variable, which can be included in any client document, is replaced by the current date when the document is printed. If desired, you can add up to 14 days to the value of the [date printed] variable. For example, you can advance the [date printed] variable by 4 days so that if you print a document on March 1, the date printed on the document will actually be March 5.

Note: Any changes you make to the [date printed] variable affects all documents in all applications that include this variable.

  1. From the Setup menu, choose any federal application. For example, choose 1040 Individual.

    Note: Depending on your security configuration, you might be required to enter the master password and click OK before you can proceed.

  2. Click the Letters & Emails button to open the [Document Type] dialog.
  3. Click the Options button to open the Transmittal Letter Options dialog.
  4. Enter a number between 1 and 14 in the Number of days to add to "date printed" field.
  5. Click OK.

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Client documents overview

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