Adding a state or city return for a client

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You can add a state or city return for a client when you first create the client or any time afterward. Complete the following steps to add a return for the open client.

  1. In the File > New Client or File > Client Properties dialog click the Add State(s) button. 
  2. In the Add State(s) dialog, mark the checkbox(es) for the desired state(s), then click OK.
    • If the desired state is not yet installed, UltraTax will automatically download and apply the update.
    • If you are on Virtual Office or Software as a Service and the state does not appear in the list, go to Setup > System Configuration > Activate State Products tab. Mark the checkboxes for the desired state(s). Then, return to step 1.
  3. Click the appropriate option to select the type of state or city return you are preparing. If there is only one option available, it is automatically selected for you.
  4. The Other return(s) group box may contain checkboxes for selecting one or more city, composite, or other miscellaneous returns available to process for this state. Mark these checkboxes as appropriate for the client.
  5. If you are processing the client with a PRP-licensed state or city product, enter the client's authorization code in the PRP code field. (To attain an authorization code, you must authorize the client for PRP.)
  6. Click OK. UltraTax CS now displays a state button below the federal button in the folders block.

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