UltraTax CS conversion toolkit

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Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

Conversion expectations

The UltraTax CS Data Conversion Service quickly, smoothly, and accurately converts your firm's competitor data for producing organizers and tax returns in UltraTax CS.

Before getting started, a clear understanding of what to expect from the conversion process is key. For more information, see UltraTax CS conversion overview.

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Prepare data for conversion

Click an application link below for step-by-step instructions to prepare your competitor data for conversion to UltraTax CS.

Wondering what year of data you should convert? Click here.


Set up a conversion

Once your data is prepared, visit the CS Professional Suite website to set up your conversion. You can initiate the upload in a matter of minutes, and work on other projects while you wait for the upload to complete.

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  1. Visit the tax.tr.com website, and Set up an UltraTax CS conversion.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process and upload your prepared data.

Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email message that the Data Conversion team has received the data. The Conversion Team will then be hard at work converting your data. Generally, the process takes about five to ten business days.

Load converted data into UltraTax CS

Once your data conversion is complete, you will receive an email alerting you that the converted data is available. Click a link below for step-by-step instructions to either proforma the data or restore the data.

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Loading converted data into
firm hosted UltraTax CS

Loading converted data into
Virtual Office or SaaS hosted UltraTax CS

You can restore or proforma converted data into UltraTax CS; do not use both methods with the same converted data. If you restore your converted data, you should proforma the restored client data directly from the prior-year UltraTax CS, rather than proforma'ing clients from the converted data.

Review converted data

After you restore or proforma your data into UltraTax CS, you should carefully review the data. Refer to the Checklists for reviewing converted data to assist in your review.

Congratulations! Once you have converted and reviewed your data, you are ready to process returns.

Use the Internal links for more information about conversions:

Post conversion guides Uploading data to Virtual Office/SaaS Who to contact with conversion issues


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