Assembling eSignature documents via Data Mining

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Data Mining enables you to assemble certain eSignature documents for your clients to electronically sign.

The eSignature feature must be enabled in UltraTax CS. To enable this feature, choose Setup > Office Configuration, click the eSignature tab, and mark the Enable electronic signatures (eSignature) ($) checkbox. After marking this checkbox, you will be prompted to accept the Thomson Reuters electronic signature terms and conditions.

See also: eSignature overview

Note: Only the Engagement Letter and the Engagement Letter - Next Year letters are available to assemble for eSignature within Data Mining.

Assemble the eSignature documents via Data Mining

  1. Choose Utilities > Data Mining and select the desired entity (such as 1040 Individual) from the Client database drop-down list.
  2. Select and perform a search. Because Engagement Letters (and for 1040 clients, the Engagement Letter - Next Year) are the only items available for eSignature within Data Mining, you must select one of these letters in Print Selection and Client Search dialog. 
  3. In the Print (Step 3) dialog, mark the Web / eSignature: Thomson Reuters data center checkbox under Electronic Delivery.
  4. If there are clients to whom you do not want to send eSignature documents, clear the checkbox next to their names in the Clients tab.


    • The eSignature process requires a valid email address. To enter an email address for your client, choose Setup > Client Communications and enter your client's email address in the Email Address column.
    • 1040 returns: If the return has a filing status of married filing joint, a unique email address is required for both the taxpayer and the spouse. To enter an email address for the spouse, choose Sp from the drop-down menu in the Email Address column and then enter the spouse's email address.
    • A hard copy of the letter will print for those clients who meet the search criteria but do not have an email address entered.
  5. Click the Assemble / Print button.
  6. Click the Exit button to close Data Mining.

Transmit the eSignature documents via CS Connect

After the eSignature documents assemble, you need to send them to your clients to be electronically signed. Follow these steps to transmit the documents to your clients via CS Connect.

  1. Click the CS Connect CS Connect button in the toolbar.
  2. Click the Transmit organizers and eSignature documents switch to Yes.

    Note: If the switch is grayed out or can't be clicked, there aren't any eSignature packages to transmit. Try to assemble the eSignature package again.

  3. Click the Web Data Mining tab.
  4. Select the client(s) you want to transmit to the right pane. Clients with pending eSignature documents will be noted with a green exclamation point.
  5. Click the Connect button.

The taxpayer (and spouse, if applicable) will receive an email with a secure link to a welcome screen where he or she can begin the eSignature process. Instructions for electronically signing documents are located in this Overview of the eSignature Process PDF.

Track and retrieve signed eSignature documents

The eSignature Status Live link on the UltraTax CS Home Page lets you review the status of each eSignature document that you send to your clients. After the client signs a document, you can retrieve the signed document via CS Connect. For details, see Tracking and retrieving eSignature documents.

Related topic: Data Mining overview

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