ELF (all entities): Filtering the ELF status window based on acceptance and Form 9325 print status

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You can filter Form 9325 in the Electronic Filing Status dialog.

Designating the 9325 column as a Primary column

To filter using a specific column, that column must be designated as a Primary column. Therefore, if the column is not already indicated as a Primary column (the 9325 column is not by default), click the Column Preferences button () and change the 9325 designation to Primary.

Filtering to view clients whose e-files have been Accepted but whose Form 9325 has not yet been printed or an email confirmation sent

UltraTax CS logs an event to each client when Form 9325 is printed or when an acceptance confirmation email message is sent to the client. In the dialog, either "Print only," "Email only," or "Print & Email" will appear in the 9325 column based on the event.

  1. Click the filter icon () on the right side of the Status column, and select "Return accepted."
  2. Click the filter icon on the right side of the 9325 column, and choose "(Blanks)."

The Electronic Filing Status dialog will now be filtered to show only those clients a) for whom Form 9325 has not yet been printed and b) to whom the automatic acceptance email message has not been sent.

Filtering to view clients whose e-files have been Accepted but whose Form 9325 has not yet been printed (regardless of email option)

When filtering the 9325 column to "(Blanks)." as described in the previous example, the application hides any clients to whom an automatic acceptance email message has been sent, regardless of whether Form 9325 has been printed. Therefore, if you would like to filter the list to only those clients who have not yet printed Form 9325 and include those clients to whom an email message has been sent but whose Form 9325 has not yet been printed, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the filter icon () on the right side of the Status column, and select "Return accepted."
  2. Click the filter icon on the right side of the 9325 column, and select "(Custom)."
  3. In the Enter filter criteria for 9325 dialog that opens, select an Operator of "Does not contain."
  4. Specify an Operand of print by clicking the field and entering Print, rather than selecting the operand from the drop-down list.
  5. Click OK.

The filter settings above will exclude all clients with a 9325 status of "Print only" and "Print & Email," but will display any clients for whom the 9325 status is blank or for whom the status is "Email only."

Printing Form 9325 for all clients who appear using the above filter options

After filtering the clients as desired using one of the two methods above, to print Form 9325 for all clients who appear under the given filter, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Select All button that appears at the bottom-right of the dialog.
  2. Click the Print  button on the toolbar.
  3. In the E-File Status Print dialog, click the 9325 button, select the returns you want to pint, and click Print.


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